Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring has sprung!

So many big changes for this year. I have been working so much at the bakery. Things have been so busy. I just finished the new spring menu. Which is full of all kinds of yummy salads, including local goat cheese and my own olive tapenade. This week we were excited to find out that there will be a new addition to our happy family! Issaic is so excited to finally have a sibling. It is so great to see Stan all smiles. I couldn't be happier. We have been so lucky to live the past year at the family farm. It is time for us to have some more space. We have found a cute house down the road (which is on the lake.) With an amazing view of the white mountains from our living room. I can't wait to start entertaining and cooking! 2011 is going to be a great year!